Thursday 26 February 2015

Photoshoot for the main image

For my photo-shoot, I wanted my character in a natural outdoor environment, the use of natural would add an ethereal glow to the image without the need for artificial lighting. From my research into the main images used in regular film magazine, I have gathered that mid shots are used. This is to allow the reader to see all of the character, it also allows for room for text to be edited around the image. In most film magazines, a specialist photo-shoot is used of the actor in character (in full costume), however, I have decided to subvert these stereotypes by including the main image of the actor not in full costume. This makes the main image more realistic and personal, emphasising the genre of my film magazine, an independent magazine, as images tend to feature just the actor.  

For these three images, I chose to use a mid shot at a vertical angle. The actor is making direct address at the camera, therefore establishing a coherent bond with the audience. Their is an element of eye line matching as the camera is placed at eye level, this is a convention I found with most film magazines who have the actor looking straight at the camera.
For these images, I decided to use a landscape mid-shot, this allows more of the background to be seen. Like the first three images, the actor is looking directly at the camera.
I realised that using a landscape image would require more editing to resize it and crop it, therefore the image resolution wont be as perfected, therefore I shot these images from the same distance to allow more of the background to be seen, but as a portrait image.
 These final two images saw a location change, the use of the green background provides colour contrast with the actors red hair, the image therefore stands out and 'jumps' from the page.
Here is a link to a presentation I made giving more fine tuned detail about the different aspects of the image:

I have narrowed it down to these three images, I will ask my peers in my magazine questionnaire which image they prefer:




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