Thursday 26 February 2015

Poster colour scheme ideas

I wanted to go one of two ways with the colour scheme. Having looked  at various film magazine covers, I realised that the colour schemes are interchangeable depending on what film is featured on the cover or what type of edition the issue is. Film magazines can either use a colour scheme corresponding to the film represented, for example when the film 'X-Men Days of Future Past' had special covers on the front of EMPIRE magazine, EMPIRE replaced the usual red of the masthead with a metallic grey to correspond with the colour scheme of the film, it also relates to the sci0fi genre where modern colours such as silver and blue are represented. On the other hand, if a film magazine has a theme to the issue such as a 'blockbuster issue' the colours evoking that theme may be represented, yellow often connotes to blockbuster films in magazines. I have created two colour pallets, one depicting colours used in the film I am representing (REPLACED), whilst the second depicts the colours relating to the theme of the issue (Thriller films).

Colour scheme 1

Colour scheme one relates to the colours used in my film poster, muted greeny greys and reds. The use of this on the cover will create coherence as the film I am representing will be evoked in the whole magazine.  
Colour scheme 2
Colour scheme two relates to the type of issue my magazine is, in this case a thriller special. After colour researching different films, I realised that bold reds, blues and blacks are used for thriller films.

In my questionnaire I will ask which colour scheme the audience prefers.

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