Wednesday 25 February 2015

Magazine Name ideas

I have come up with a few magazine name ideas, hopefully they are original and effective as I hope my magazine will attract people who watch independent films.

My Ideas are:

ReelFilm: this idea is effective because the use of two simple terms makes the title stand out. The word film obviously connotes to the genre of the magazine, therefore their will not be any brand confusion between other genres of magazine. The term 'reel' will attract my target audience, the use of 'reel' refers to the old fashioned film reel, film buffs will understand this is a cinematic reference. 'reel' is obviously pronounced as 'real' meaning the films portrayed in my magazine are real, independent films who depend more n narrative than the visuals, this attracts my target audience of those who are interested in independent films.
Film Plus/+films: film plus or plus films both evoke the same sense of meaning, that this magazine has more to offer in terms of content. It is concise and easy to understand, however it may not attract my chosen target audience as the term 'plus' or '+' suggests a blockbuster film that has had a big budget and an enormous amount of visuals. The term 'plus' also sounds like something you would get with a broadband package, again, I want to avoid brand confusion to prevent readers from being mislead.
Final Cut: final cut is clear, concise and effective. It really drives home the point of a magazine that is fast paced and relating to film. However it could be seen as plagiarism as it sounds too much lie the editing software final cut pro, again, this could create brand confusion.
Take Two: Take two instantly evokes the film magazine genre as it is an example of film jargon. Film buffs will understand the connotations. However it does sound like a dating agency or that Strictly programme on BBC 2, this could again be seen as plagiarism.
Action Match: action match again is an example of film jargon, it is short and succinct, but it will not attract my chosen target audience as the term 'action' suggests the magazine solely focusses on films of the action genre. It also sounds like a football magazine, therefore brand confusion might occur (a bit of a theme with my ideas!)
Indiefilm : Indiefilm provides obvious connotations of an independent film magazine, the term 'indie' is obviously a contraction for 'independent'. This title is short and clear, providing immediate connotations to the reader about the genres of the films discussed.

To help me decide on my film magazine title, I will ask members of the public for their opinion in a magazine questionnaire, which I am currently constructing.

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