Thursday 5 February 2015

Edting the z-ombie photo

After coming up with my final poster design, I realised I needed to use a photo of my actor as a z-ombie in certain sections of the film poster. I already took a photo of my actress with the full z-ombie makeup, however I found that after sectioning certain parts off, the whole z-ombie effect was lost, I needed to edit the image more using Photoshop to make it look more un-dead.
Here is the original image:
As you can see, the makeup is effective, but not effective enough to make a bold impact.
Step one:
Firstly, on Photoshop I used a mixture of the dodge tool and the paint bucket tool to create the typical glowing white z-ombie eye with a small pupil. The paint bucket tool was useful to create the white base colour, however I had to increase the opacity so the colour didn't look too harsh. Also, I had to use the blend tool to blur the harsh lines between the paint lines so they didn't look too fake. Finally I used the dodge tool to add a glowing quality to the eye
Step two:
I then used the burn tool with the 'shadowing' format to contour fayes cheekbones even more to make them look sunken in. This therefore adds more depth to the image to make it look three dimensional. I used the blending tool to blur any remaining harsh edges.
Step three:  
Then I used the burn tool again to create strong shadows under her jaw to give a gaunt, almost malnourished appearance. Again, this was designed to add more depth to the image.
Step four:
To emphasise her collar bones and ribcage, I used the burn tool in different opacities to create the illusion of protruding bones. It does look a bit fake, however, as I am only going to take a small section away from the image, this will not matter.
Step five:
Finally, I used the burn tool on the hairline and forehead to emphasise the sunken in look. Not forgetting, I also filled in the other eye with the previous technique.
 I feel the image will create an impact because the makeup coupled with the editing makes it look quite striking, this is key when it comes to posters as the image needs to grab attention.

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