Friday 20 February 2015

Editing of the poster main image

Taking inspiration from the posters of the films 'Rabbit hole' and 'Before I go to sleep', I have edited my main image for my poster by dividing it up into sections. The whole point of this distorted image is to create an almost optical illusion effect, thus creating a disorientated feel. My plan is to replace certain sections of the image with sections of the character as a z-ombie, this relates to the title as it shows an almost 'transformation' feel.

First attempt:

At first, I decided to section the image lengthways. I used fireworks to achieve this. I decided to section the image in reasonably small sections at first, this gives an optical illusion effect. I used the marquee tool to select the areas I need; then dragged them either a bit up or down using the pointer tool.  
After, I used the marquee tool to select and delete the top edges to neaten the edge.
Here is the final image:
Second attempt:
After receiving feedback from one of my classmates, it was suggested that I section off the image horizontally and to section off larger sections. This is because when I add the z-ombie sections, the audience can see more of the z-ombie sections, thus the poster will conform to the desired shocking effect. I used the same process as above; but I sectioned off the image horizontally and in larger sections.
Here is the final image:

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