Tuesday 27 January 2015

Poster inspiration

From my film poster questionnaire, I have chosen three posters that were popular with my respondents, all of these films are thrillers, however I want to incorporate z-ombie elements in the style of a thriller poster.

Rabbit Hole:

This poster uses a form of split screening by dividing the poster in to sections, each section depicts the character showing a range of different emotions, the secondary protagonist also features in three of the sections. The sections are divided by white dividers to create a sense of separatism. The exposure varies in each sector, the central few panels have a bright exposure, therefore audience attention is drawn to this part of the poster. I intend to use various conventions from this poster in my own poster, such as the idea of dividing off sections and replacing them with another image. 


Before I Go To Sleep:

From this poster I intend to utilise the camera angles, the close-ups of the character fill the frame and make direct address to the audience. This poster also uses 'dividers' to separate the characters, suggesting their is internal divisions within the characters lives. I may also utilise the idea of certain sections being black and white, this will make the coloured sections stand out.

The Box:

From this final poster, I intend to replicate the colour scheme. The use of red, white and black is typical to a thriller poster, as found out by my questionnaire. The white makes the text stand out, the black background partially obscures the character, providing a sense of mystery, while the flash of red evokes bloodshed and violence. I intend to deploy certain elements of red in my posters colour scheme, this will probably be used in the text.

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