Thursday 29 January 2015

Poster Billing Block research

The billing block is the list of names of people associated with the production of a film, they are usually located at the bottom of the page, they are usually found at the bottom of a film poster. They use a condensed font which is all the same height, the font is also capitalised, this enables the billing block to be noticed but still not overwhelm the poster.
The order in which credits are billed signify that person or companies importance. For example the first is usually the motion picture company, then  the producer, usually in the format of 'a..... production. Usually the director comes next, followed by the major stars and the supporting cast. After this those who worked on the film such as screenwriters, production designers, floor managers and sound engineers will be mentioned.

They tend to use discreet colours such as grey or black, sometimes the billing block is the same colour as the background to blend in.

Designers of the posters can use billing blocks to their advantage by using them in a creative way. Posters of films such as vantage point, 27 dresses and 4O days and 40 nights, incorporate the billing block as part of the main image,

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