Monday 12 January 2015

Audience profile

It is important for a films distributors to research the audience for a film, each film has to be treated as an individual product. Even though it is vital to never lose sight of the audience, the distributors will try to attract as many people as possible. The unique selling point/s of the film will help audiences understand what they might expect when they go and see a film, the visual campaign (posters etc.) will stress this USP. To understand the potential target audience, I need to create a target audience profile, to explore the details as to what an audience member might be interested it.

Name: Gemma Eisenberg
Gender: Female
Young and Rubicam's four consumers: Reformers-they Define themselves by their self-esteem and self-fulfilment.
Income bracket: category 'E', as she is a student she will be placed in this category, however my film will aim to attract those in the B and E categories.
Lifestyle: currently a student studying media, IT and business studies. She has a fairly active lifestyle, mixing swimming and going to the cinema with her studying. 
Activities: She enjoys browsing the internet and uses a fair few social media sites therefore she will be more engaged with online film marketing. She likes to watch films and go to the cinema with her friends whilst drawing and taking photographs in her spare time.

My target audience will be aged between 17-30 years old, from my questionnaire I found out that the majority of people from this age group liked films from a thriller genre, they watch thriller films and enjoy films with suspense in the plotline. I did find that people of this age group didn't prefer z-ombie films as a genre, I wish to change this stereotype by adding thriller elements to a z-ombie film to make it more appealing and to subvert the violent stereotypes that z-ombie films portray.

Both males and females will be attracted will be attracted to my film because of the plotline, males often prefer films with violent, scary and z-ombie themes, whilst females will relate to a female protagonist. The 15 rating will open up a wide potential market as films rated a 15 are consistently popular in the cinema and on DVD, 18 films on the other hand are more popular on dvd only.  

My audience will take an active role in the films marketing process, as they are online more than other demographics, therefore I will adopt a below the line online marketing scheme using sites like Facebook and instagram to virally market my film. My film will be aimed at people who are actively interested in film, i.e. they read film magazines and articles, watch trailers frequently and regularly go to the cinema, this means they will be interested in and appreciate a hybrid genre with an unusual plotline as they are more likely to watch films with less generic outcomes and plots that defy the narratology theories.

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