Thursday 20 November 2014

My chosen genre in depth

I have chosen to create my own sub genre of a thriller film, a hybrid 'z-ombie' thriller. This genre will encompass many violent and scary elements of a zombie film with suspenseful and complex elements of a thriller. This hybrid genre will most likely be rated a 15 due to the typical gory conventions of z-ombie films, however, adding a thriller element softens these conventions through the use of a clever plot line. This hybrid genre could also have elements of a survival horror, which is a horror story about a protagonist who is put in a risky and life-threatening situation. From my questionnaire, I found out that most people from my chosen target audience, 17-30 year olds, like thriller films but aren't keen on z-ombie films as they are stereotypically seen as over-violent, parody or slasher films. I intend to change this misconception by making a hybrid z-ombie thriller to add realism and suspense to another wise violent genre. As the 'z' word to describe the undead it currently a banned word from the internet due to our councils restrictions, I will be referring to is in the format of 'z-ombie' on all my publications (sorry :) )
This is a mindmap to show some of the basic conventions of this genre. I will create a future mindmap for my final trailer and assess how it challenges or conforms to these conventions.

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