Monday 24 November 2014

A gap in the market/ Unique Selling Points

I have chosen to continue with film trailer idea one, this is because it is the most unconventional idea out of the two, and subverts some stereotypical conventions of a z-ombie thriller (such as extreme gory violence and weapons). Here are some ideas as to why my film has various unique selling points.

As you can see from this diagram (below), my film literally 'fills' a gap in the market, other z-ombie films are generally hybrids of a mixture of genre, as their hasn't been a z-ombie film with drama/thriller elements, my film will fit that gap and create a new hybrid genre.

  • I have noticed my film will fit into a gap in the market, for example, the lead role will be a Female character, this subverts the usual stereotype that the lead role of this genre is usually male (Such as Will Smith in I am Legend, Brad Pitt in WWZ and Cillian Murphy in 28 Days Later), a female protagonist will widen the market as both female and male viewers will be attracted to see the film, female because of the female lead and relatable prospects, male because of the z-ombie ideologies used.  (attract male and female to z-ombie film, to widen the market)
  • Also, from my questionnaire I found out that most of my target audience view trailers on an online format, this is because my age group use the internet frequently. So, my trailer will feature on sites such as youtube, facebook and IMDB to build up an online audience, this use of below the line marketing will attract my niche audience of young adults who are comfortable with the online age, this BTL interaction will give the marketer the ability to successfully tailor the message the film gives in a more personal way to the audience. This BTL system is efficient and cost effective as it directly targets the intended group. 
  • The film will also be unique as it will be set after the recovery of the apocalypse, around 100 years after, usually these films are set during the apocalypse, during the recovery period or chronicling the initial causes. My film concept will be unique as their is not a film of this kind on the market set in this type of world, this will make the film more intriguing to audiences
  • My film will also portray realism as a key element, as it will be set in a suburban area in the present day rather than some shining city 200 years in the future, the audience will realise that the film is down to earth and realistic, this makes the plot more intimidating/shocking as it is 'close to home'. This builds upon the construction of realism theory that realism is more convincing to an audience, the non professional actors and natural light will emphasise the realism used, also my film deploys emotional realism as a key theme, an audience is more likely to connect with a character that is emotionally realistic.
  • My film is unusual as it is from the z-ombies perspective, this is unusual as in these films the z-ombie is usually seen as the antagonist, in my film the audience gets the chance to see the antagonists perspective and is able to sympathise with her. From my research, the only similar film that adopts this idea is Warm Bodies, where the male protagonist is a fully developed z-ombie from the beginning and gradually becomes more human, my character is a stable z-ombie at the start but gradually gets more vicious.
  • The potential marketing scheme will be a unique selling point, the visual campaign I intend to deploy will be a mixture of a poster, magazine feature, a small documentary that will be released online about the making of the film using my friend as a Stills photographer ( a behind the scenes feature), a facebook and instagram page (viral marketing). This promotional package will attract my younger audience and keep them maintained/hooked through various marketing devices. The visual campaign will give the audience a 'narrative image' to understand the premise/story of the film.

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