Monday 1 December 2014


Narratology refers to both the narrative structure and the study of the narrative in a media text and the affects and the ways it affects the audience. The narrative of a film is the organisation of a series of events which make a story. We connect these events and make various interpretations of the plot. The narrative often follows a various 5 stage process, Tzvetan Todorov suggested this process:

·         A state of equilibrium at the outset

·         A disruption of the equilibrium by some action

·         A recognition that there has been a disruption

·         An attempt to repair the disruption

·         A reinstatement of the equilibrium 

The theory generally states that Equilibrium will occur at the start of the film, then there will be disequilibrium, and then equilibrium will be restored.

My film:

Equilibrium – (everything is how it should be) - The protagonist has a privileged lifestyle in the early 20th century.

Disequilibrium – however she gets infected during a z-ombie apocalypse around this period. Now, in 2014, she is the last remaining of the infected and is kept alive by pills.

Recognition of the disequilibrium: The government cut her pills by one pill a day for an unknown reason, her condition deteriorates as she becomes more z-ombie like, later attacking and killing a man who mugs her in a fit of rage.

Equilibrium restored: the audience don't know if or how the equilibrium will be restored, that is the cliff-hanger element of a thriller

My film conforms to the theory as a state of equilibrium occurs in a flashback, however most of the plot is in a state of disequilibrium, as I have found out that from my research that most z-ombie films have a positive outcome, I want to subvert this stereotype. Yet, this positive outcome has underlying problems, for example in the film '28 Days Later', the protagonists are rescued after a state of disequilibrium, but the rest of the UK is experiencing an apocalypse, this is highlighted in the films sequel '28 Weeks Later' where the infection, supposedly contained, managed to infect new victims.


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