Monday 1 December 2014

My Production Company

I have decided to create my own production company to produce my film, along with working title. Many films of my genre have more than one production company to produce different elements, my company will 'produce' and 'provide' cinematography.

Here is my production  company logo I made on adobe fireworks, I chose the name 'picture picture entertainment' as the repetition suggests they are focussed on filmmaking and the 'reflection' in the logo promotes the idea that they reflect various audiences into their films. Using the red 'H' in the middle of the logo adds a focal point to the logo, also ad red is typically associated with blood/earning/anger/suspense/danger, it indicates that the company mostly produces horror/z-ombie/thriller films. The typography of the logo means it can be added to any billing block on a poster and be easily recognised, also, as it is mainly black with a bit of red, the colour can be changed accordingly depending on the colour of the background image or colour scheme of the film.

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