Saturday 25 October 2014

Film trailer analysis: FROZEN (2013)

I have decided to analyse three recent film trailers of mixed genres to get an idea of how lighting, sound, camera angles, editing and mise-en-scene works for each of them. I will later compare them with each other in an essay format. This is my first analysis of the three, the 2013 animated film FROZEN.    

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Film trailer codes, conventions and functions

Here is a slide share presentation showing my research into generic film trailer codes, conventions and functions, I may add more to it as I learn more from my A2 coursework.

Timeline Of Film Trailers

Here is a timeline showing some initial research into the background of film trailers and how they have changed over time.
Many different companies, co-operations and people are involved in this development from basic text based trailers in the 1920's, to visual based blockbuster trailers currently.

Friday 10 October 2014

Transition film poster task: final poster presentation

This is a presentation showing my transition task. I have quickly recapped my chosen director and film, then gone into more depth about the research/ development process of my poster.

A generic film poster in depth

Here is an example of a generic rom-com poster I researched in depth. I chose to do a relatively obvious poster as it is my first poster analysis.

Preliminary film poster task

We had to produce a film poster as a prelim task. Designed to be a remake of an original poster by a classic director, it should appeal to a modern audience. Here is some initial research I did on my chosen director, Stanley Kubrick and on my chosen film, A Clockwork Orange.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Hello again and task brief

Hello, so, this is my A2 media blog where I will be documenting my journey, research and production process on this blog. For our A2 coursework we have to produce a film trailer, film poster and a front cover of a film magazine. Here is our task brief for this year.

A promotional package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:

  • a website homepage for the film;
  • a film magazine front cover, featuring the film;
  • a poster for the film.
Research and Planning needs to include the following elements:
  • Research into similar products and a potential target audience
  • Organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.
  • Work on shot lists, layouts, drifting, scripting or story boarding.
  • Time management
  • Care in the presentation of the research and planning
  • Skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation
  • Communication skills
I will be marked on:-
  • The ability to hold a shot steady;
  • Framing a shot appropriately;
  • Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate:
  • Shooting material appropriate to the task set;
  • Selecting mise-en-scene;
  • Editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer;
  • Using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately;
  • Using sound with images and editing appropriately.
  • The appropriate use of ICT for the task set;
  • Understanding the conventions of layout and page design;
  • Awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size;
  • Accurate use of language and register;
  • Appropriate integration of illustration and text;
  • Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate;
  • Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate;
  • Shooting material appropriate to the task set;
  • Selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, object and setting;
  • Manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation.
The Evaluation must include:
  • Understanding of the forms and conventions used in the productions;
  • Understanding the role and use of new media in various stages of the production;
  • Understanding of the combination of main product and ancillary texts;
  • Understanding of the significance of audience feedback;
  • Skill in choice of form in which to present the evaluation;
  • Ability to communicate;
  • Use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation